3 Reasons Successful Entrepreneurs Always Give Back
career & money6 years ago

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a Real Talk with Regions career panel event hosted by Regions Bank, United Way and Young Professional Leaders. The discussion was all about how local Atlanta entrepreneurs are building their businesses while giving back to their community. It was really inspiring to listen to the panelists talk about their own personal experiences as business-owners….and even more so, to hear about what they’re doing to give back to the communities that support them. Here are some of the things I took away from the discussion, some great reminders for all of us to refer back to every now and then!
- A rising tide lifts all boats — Success is never achieved in complete solitude; every successful business is run by a great team of brilliant people… and when an entrepreneur looks after the community that supports them, everybody wins.
- Collaboration over competition — There’s nothing better than connecting with mentors and contemporaries in your space who challenge you to think differently about your growth, and help you step outside your comfort zone. It’s the best way to grow!
- Putting purpose behind everything you do — No matter what it is you’re selling, at the end of the day, the true definition of a successful business is so much more than a monetary profit. With social media making it so much easier to connect with businesses and public figures, people want to know that they’re spending their money and time on things that align with their personal values. Ask yourself what you stand for, and always keep that in mind with everything that you do!
Special thanks to Regions Bank for inviting me to such a great, informative session! If you want to learn more, Regions Bank offers a multitude of online advice and guidance on similar topics like networking tips for young professionals and reaching savings goals no matter your life stage.
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