
An Even Better Way To Find Your Best Lip Color

beauty4 years ago


When it comes to makeup, nude isn’t a shade — it’s a spectrum of colors that match skin tones from fair to deep… and Clinique definitely gets that. The brand’s latest Even Better collection has 25 Clinique lipsticks to match their foundations, resulting in some pretty great nude lipstick options for any skin color!

naked:: #22 - nuzzle
glam:: #29 - velvet kisses
casual:: #25 - luscious

Using Clinique Shade-Match Science™, the brand has taken the guesswork out of matching lip colors to my skin tone, with different nude lip looks for every occasion: a “naked” shade that blends into my skin like a soft nude, a “casual” shade with a hint of shimmer that serves as a velvety neutral, and a “glam” shade for a bold, dramatic pop of color!

So… which look is your favorite? I don’t usually wear dark brown lippies. but I’m super into my glam shade, and I might play around with it a lot more over the holdidays! What’s your go-to nude lip color, and would you try shade-matching your lipstick to your foundation like this? Lemme know! 🤎

Click here to find YOUR flattering nude lip shades with Clinique!

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