The Best Makeup Highlighter Products for Dark Skin
beauty8 years ago
Glow baby, glow! Faux-tan bronzers are taking a backseat, and making way for highlighter products that encourage us to let our natural complexions shine! With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to find the color that’s truly flattering… a lot of them used to make my skin look washed out, overly-glittery and even sometimes borderline ashy… until I discovered the secret formula for darker skin: go for the gold. Literally. Gold-toned highlighters are your friend when you’re looking for the best products to highlight darker skin and warmer undertones, and likewise, silver highlighters look great on lighter skin and cool undertones! Here are the 3 highlighter products I have in my makeup bag – I switch between them, depending on the occasion, and there’s a great highlighter for every price point:
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