5 Memorial Day Sales You Can't Miss This Weekend
shopping8 years ago

The only thing that might be better than a long holiday weekend to spend an extra day in bed or relaxing by the pool is the opportunity to save B-I-G on that pair of shoes or that dress you’ve had your eye on all season! Memorial Day is one of my favorite times of the year to start stocking up on my Summer wardrobe essentials (that you’ll probably see me styling on here over the next few weeks), and here are the 5 sales sales that I’ll be checking out over the next couple days:
1. Intermix
40% off the Almost Summer Sale
3. Net-A-Porter
4. Shopbop
5. Nordstrom
Up to 40% off Half Yearly Sale
I hope you guys are all enjoying your long holiday weekend, whether you’re shopping or not — Happy shopping and Happy Memorial Day!
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