Away Blush Mini Giveaway + My Top 5 Travel Beauty Essentials

beauty7 years ago


One of my 2018 goals is to get out and travel more this year… and not just to the regular places I’ve been before — I wanna explore totally new cities that take me out of my comfort zone! I know that travel is always on everyone’s bucket list, but when it comes to having the best trip ever, it’s not just about the destination… it’s about the journey as well.

I may be one of the few people you know who’ll say this, but I don’t hate flying. A big part of that might be because overseas relocations and 8-hour flights have always been a part of my life for as long as I remember, thanks to my parents’ jobs… but I think another part of it is because I have my long flight beauty and comfort routine down to a science. Today I’m sharing it with you and giving away a travel kit to one lucky reader!

The super cute Away blush mini is my favorite toiletry bag to travel with, and it’s definitely a favorite among some of my favorite bloggers too. The makeup bag is completely out of stock right now, so this is your last chance to get your hands on a blush mini from Away! As a bonus to the winner, here’s what you’ll find in it — my top essentials that I can’t travel without:

Enter the giveaway below, and stay tuned for the winner to be announced at the end of the month! Good luck, and thanks for reading!

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