Matcha Green Tea Panna Cotta

recipes9 years ago


Super excited to share this recipe with you guys today for a couple reasons: First of all, my food photography is something that I’ve been working on for a really long time… and even though it’s still not quite where I want it to be, I figured it’d be fun to document the progress I make with every post 🙂 You guys honestly don’t even want to know the number of times I’ve photographed (and then ended up scrapping) a recipe for this site, just because I didn’t like the way the pictures came out. Well, I hope you guys like these!

Panna Cotta is one of my absolute FAVORITE desserts, and after enjoying a couple too many matcha green tea lattés from Starbucks over the past couple of weeks, I thought it would be fun to try a green tea dessert of my very own at home! Even though panna cotta is a dessert that tends to fall on the “fancier” side of the spectrum, they’re actually SUPER easy to make and enjoy at home. The green, white and red colors also make it out to be a really nice holiday offering for dinner. You can easily swap out the animal-based products for vegan alternatives, even though that wasn’t exactly my goal here… I just prefer the taste of coconut milk over regular milk!


  • 14 fl oz can Coconut Cream or full fat Coconut Milk
  • 1 tbsp ground Green Tea Powder
  • Honey or Sugar to taste
  • 1 packet unflavored Gelatine Powder
  • ½ tbsp Vanilla Extract
  • ¼ cup Hot Water
  • Mint Leaves, Raspberries, Whipped Cream to garnish (here’s how to make DIY vegan whipped cream)


  • In a small bowl, dissolve the green tea powder in the hot water. Mix well to make sure it’s fully dissolved. Set aside.
  • In a medium saucepan, mix the coconut cream, vanilla extract and sweetener (honey or sugar) and set over medium heat — stirring slow until it reaches a low boil.
  • Take the saucepan off heat. Mix the green tea mixture into to the saucepan, and add the gelatin powder and stir slowly until it’s mixed thoroughly.
  • Pour the mixture into dessert bowls/glasses (here are the ones I used), and place in the refrigerator to set for 4 hours
  • Garnish with whipped cream, raspberries and mint leaves
  • Enjoy!

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