So What's The Deal With Moon Dust?
health8 years ago

Whatever, I’ll admit it, I read Goop. Not for any reason in particular — I mean, Gwyneth Paltrow and I are basically on different planets when it comes to everyday things like budgeting and spending, her being a millionaire and me… well, not being one
. However every now and then, when I browse Goop, I’ll get introduced to a product that inspires me to try something new, if for no other reason than to add an extra touch of something special to my everyday routine.Enter Moon Dusts by Moon Juice.
What exactly are they? They’re organic, plant-based powder formulas that you can add to your favorite morning drink (smoothie, your coffee, tea, etc.), and they are created to supercharge your bodily functions on a physical, mental and emotional level. Each Moon Dust product contains specific ingredients, designed for a specific purpose:
- BRAIN DUST : Enhances cognitive activity, alleviates mental stress, and increase clarity, creativity and alertness.
- SEX DUST : Ignite and excites your sexy energy in and out of the bedroom, sending waves of sensitivity and power to all the right places.
- BEAUTY DUST : Increases collagen and silica production, resulting in a glowing complexion, glossier hair and brighter eyes.
- POWER DUST : Regulates the body’s vital energy, healthy metabolic functions and maximizes your ability to withstand stress and injury.
…and there are lots more! For starters, I picked up a jar of the Beauty Dust last month — possibly inspired by the fact that I’ll be turning 30 next year and need to stay mindful of how I’m taking care of my skin and health in general. I’ve been adding Beauty Dust to my tea and coffee every morning, and while I’m lucky enough to not have major skin issues that I’ve been dealing with in the first place, I definitely do have to say that it’s become my own way of pampering myself with preventative skin care every morning… even on busy days when I have to be out the door before 8:00AM.
Pick your poison dust, and shop it below:
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