Happy Monday everyone — super excited to share the newest launch on my site: a custom shopping experience! With categorized products and featured collections, now it’s easier than ever to shop my outfits, Instagram OOTDs and favorite products of the season.
Holiday season has officially kicked off, which means that you’re probably going to be seeing gift guide after gift guide on every other website… but after getting feedback from you guys in my last newsletter, it looks like you want less product-pushing and more story-telling! I built out my shop for those of you who are still looking for gift ideas (for starters, here are some under $100 suggestion), but we’re keeping things creative and fun on the blog this year 🙂 It’s funny, because I also hate scrolling through gift guides on the websites and blogs that I like reading… so we’re definitely on the same page. One of the reasons blogging became as popular as it is, is because people loved reading about REAL LIFE, not just sponsored products… so let’s get back to that!
Do you have feedback that you’d like to share with the Millennielle community? Make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter, to keep an eye out for the next reader survey that will be coming out soon! xx
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