Yep, you read that right. I’ve been so lucky to visit Paris for the past couple of September Fashion Week seasons, and I couldn’t be more grateful to be able to do so… but when I think about all of the reasons I fall even more in love with the city each time I visit — Fashion Week is just the cherry on top of the (very decadent) cake!
This year, I arrived late for PFW (didn’t get there til Saturday!) and extended my stay in Paris way after Fashion Week was over, so that I could really take my time and enjoy my visit. As most of you may already know, I spent majority of my childhood and teenage years living in Europe… and no matter where I’m visiting, it always feels a little bit like home when I’m back. One thing Atlanta does not have is the authentic “big city” feel to it, so I always feel so inspired and at-home whenever I find myself visiting places that remind me of where I came from and grew up.
After the hustle and bustle of Paris Fashion Week was over, my photographer Alaina and I ditched the Ubers and rigid schedules, and put on our comfy walking shoes to REALLY explore. We experimented with creative photography, hit the local markets and businesses, snapped way too photos of Paris’ gorgeous architecture, discovered the best off-the-grid restaurants and entertained ourselves with just how much the city changes as you hop from one district to the next. To me, that was the best part of the trip. I think that the only way to travel is to really explore like a local, and being able to do just that is the reason I had the best experience in Paris ever!
I’d love to hear about some of your memorable travel experiences, if you guys want to share them in the comments below! xx
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