I Tried the Tiktok-Viral Lasagna Soup Recipe...
recipes1 year ago

TTemperatures are dropping and that means it’s soup season! I just tried the perfect fall recipe and I’m sharing it with you here.
If you’re like me, you love a one pot meal situation. Chances are you’ve seen someone on your Tiktok feed making the viral lasagna soup – the recipe is easy, hearty and so delicious. It might just be my new favorite comfort food as colder weather starts to set in NYC.
If you’re newer to my blog, you may not know I have a recipe page to look through – check it out! If you’re looking for beverage inspo, too, I’ve also recently doubled down on exploring new cocktail recipes.
Try it out and let me know what you think! It shouldn’t take more than 30-40 minutes from prep to plate, and makes about 5 servings. I cooked using some of my newest kitchen equipment, which I got great deals on shopping via Walmart, so I’m linking some of the items I used, too. Bon appetit!
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