
How To Cure Your Serious Case of the Mondays

lifestyle8 years ago

Hello Monday, you poor thing… you always get the worst rap. With a whole five days of work lying ahead, it feels like the weekend past zoomed by before we had the chance to realize it was even here, and the weekend ahead feels like it’s still eons away!

No matter what stage you are in your professional or educational life, you’ve undoubtedly experienced that familiar case of the Mondays — so what do you do when the alarm goes off early on the first day of the week, and all you wanna do is smash your alarm clock, duck under the covers and shut the world out for another hour… or two? Here are some of the tips I’ve adopted to have a good start to my week, I hope they help you too!

1. Sunday, Get-It-Done-Day

Sundays used to be my do-nothing days… college me spent most of the day hanging out on the couch, watching Kardashian reruns while nursing a hangover. Early and mid-20’s me spent my Sunday… well, doing pretty much the exact same thing, maybe a little less frequently with hangovers though — so, progress? 

Hello Monday, you poor thing... you always seem to get the worst rap...

Since I kicked off my blog, balancing time between my “real life” responsibilities and content creation has always been of utmost importance,. so my Sundays have started to shape out a lot more differently than they used to. These days, it’s all about prepping for the upcoming week now, from scheduling upcoming posts, to putting together a to-do list for work so I know what’s ahead, to catching up on e-mails, doing grocery shopping for the week and everything else that comes with it! While this just sounds like I’m turning Sunday into another work day, which may not exactly sound appealing, it’s a lot easier for me to pace myself and combine these tasks with things I DO love, like having my favorite tv show on in the background or listening to one of my favorite playlists.

2. Morning Fuel 

It’s become common knowledge that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and on a Monday, you definitely want to start the week right! Some of my favorite, easy-to-make breakfasts to kick of my day are Steel-cut oats with blueberries or avocado toast. Don’t underestimate the power of a slow-cooked crockpot breakfast either!

3. Dress for the Occasion

If there’s ever a day to show up and show out, it’s the first day of the week. For a lot of people, me included, dressing up and putting more of an effort into my appearance adds an extra layer of confidence and makes me feel a lot better about heading out for the day. Take some time to try out a new hairstyle or pull out that nice (work-appropriate) dress you’ve been saving for a rainy day — it’ll make all the difference on your Monday mood, trust me.

4. Show Up Early…

…so you can leave early! This is one of my absolute favorite things to do on Monday morning. As often as I can, I love getting in to work earlier than the rest of my team because it helps me beat rush hour traffic AND the influx of Monday morning e-mails. Bonus? I get to leave an hour or so earlier at the end of the day too, which kind of makes me feel like I’ve had a shorter day, and it puts me on the road ahead of rush hour traffic on the way home!

5. Treat Yourself

Making it through another Monday of work means that it’s time to treat yourself… after all, it’s the little things in life that count, right? Set a telephone date with a friend to catch up or make happy hour or dinner plans with your friends to toast another successful Monday. We did it!

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